Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.
I have an XML file with its encoding set within it: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?> but really …
java encoding jaxb unmarshallingJersey 1.6 can produce: @Path("/stock") public class StockResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<Stock> get() { Stock …
java json jaxb jersey generic-listI'm attempting to follow the example located here but get an javax.xml.bind.PropertyException. I receive this exception because …
java json jaxb eclipselink moxyI am new to JAXB and would like to know if there is a way by which I can unmarshall …
java xpath jaxb unmarshallingI have REST (Jersey) webservice that makes use of some data objects that are marshalled/unmarshalled to/from XML. The …
properties jaxb eclipselink moxyI'm trying to basically generate XSD schemas from my model classes annotated in JAXB using a Maven plugin. Here's the …
maven jaxb schemagenI'm trying to create a web service client using CXF to consume a WCF web service. When I use wsdl2…
java wcf web-services jaxb cxf