Top "Dtd" questions

DTD stands for "Document Type Definition" as specified in the XML 1.x Recommendations of the W3C.

No grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document

I have this dtd : But when I include in an xml I get the …

xml eclipse validation dtd
How to generate sample XML documents from their DTD or XSD?

We are developing an application that involves a substantial amount of XML transformations. We do not have any proper input …

xml xsd dtd test-data
What is difference between XML Schema and DTD?

I have googled this question, but I do not understand clearly what is an XML schema and DTD (document type …

xml schema dtd
Difference between PCDATA and CDATA in DTD

What is the difference between #PCDATA and #CDATA in DTD?

xml dtd
Free DTD to XSD conversion utility?

I have a DTD that I need to convert to an XSD (XML schema) file. Is there a free utility …

xml xsd dtd
Make DocumentBuilder.parse ignore DTD references

When I parse my xml file (variable f) in this method, I get an error C:\Documents and Settings\joe\…

java document dtd
Installing xmllint

I needed help installing xmllint from this website: In particular, I am not sure which …

xml dtd xmllint
Is there any difference between 'valid xml' and 'well formed xml'?

I wasn't aware of a difference, but a coworker says there is, although he can't back it up. What's the …

xml validation xsd dtd
What is DOCTYPE?

What is DOCTYPE and why do I want to use it? What are the different DOCTYPEs I can use? What …

html xhtml doctype dtd
XML, what is this: null or empty element?

Regarding to my other question: XML deserialize null elements? I've got elements like these from a third-party server for API …

xml xsd null dtd xmlserializer