Top "Castor" questions

Castor is an open source data binding framework.

Maven: No marketplace entries found to handle castor, antrun, and ear plugins

I am importing a maven project into Eclipse. I have the m2e plugin installed and it is pointing to …

maven m2eclipse castor maven-antrun-plugin maven-ear-plugin
What is the difference between Castor XML binding and JAXB binding

What is the difference between Castor XML and JAXB binding since both are binding java object to XML and vice …

java xml jaxb castor
Can Hibernate default a Null String to Empty String

In our application we are pulling data from a DB2 mainframe database. If the database has "low values" in a …

java hibernate orm db2 castor
Error creating bean with name : Scope 'request' is not active for the current thread

I have integrated SWF 2.2.1,Primefaces 2.2.1,JSF 2,Spring Security 3,Spring 3.1.0M1I and EhCache and AspectJ and Castor. I have defined …

spring aspectj spring-webflow castor