Android widget that displays an arbitrary image or drawable, such as an icon.
I have an ImageView. In its onClick I get its Drawable: Drawable dr = ((ImageView) v).getDrawable(); And set it to …
android imageview drawableI come from an iOS background. For some reason, I cannot figure out how to add a view to another …
android imageview subview addsubviewit seems that there are a lot of solutions of how to use dragging of views on android . however, they …
android imageview drag android-framelayout layoutparamsI have two ImageViews as belows : <ImageView android:id="@+id/image1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="…
android image resize imageview getresourceHere is the code of a simple extension of an ImageView that allow the user to draw with the finger. …
android imageview ondrawWhat am I trying to implement? A gallery of images using ViewPager. I choose this option because the smooth transition …
android imageview android-imageview android-viewpagerI am getting image from an url. I am using imageview in listview. I want to add the list of …
android listview imageview simpleadapterI would like to set the contrast and brightness of a imageview. Referring from How to programmatically change contrast of …
android imageview brightness android-seekbar contrastI'm trying to convert an JavaFX Image(from ImageView) to an BufferedImage. I tried casting and stuff but nothing works. …
java imageview javafx bufferedimage