Android widget that displays an arbitrary image or drawable, such as an icon.
Is there an onImageChangedListener() on a ImageView? I need the event when the image is changed from the ImageView.
android image imageview actionlistenerI want to put bitmap images into ImageView of ListView. i changed image from url to bitmap image. I have 10 …
android imageview android-lazyadapterI have an ImageView that is 250dp above the bottom and with translate animation i want to move it to 50…
android imageview translate-animationI am trying to align the TextView around ImageView. I am using the following code: private void createSpannableText(){ TextView myTextView = (…
android textview imageview alignment spannablestringI am trying to make a listview with chechboxes for the installed applications on the android phone. I put the …
android listview icons imageview android-applicationinfoI want to show a video thumbnail in an ImageView from a video path on storage. Is there a function …
android file imageview android-bitmap video-thumbnailsI want to change the brightness on certain part of an image. I know how to use ColorMatrix to change …
android bitmap imageview colormatrix colorfilterI'm having trouble using this library to make one of my images into a circle dynamically. Here is my attempt: …
android facebook bitmap imageview profile-picture