Top "Imageview" questions

Android widget that displays an arbitrary image or drawable, such as an icon.

How to destroy a drawable inside an ImageView if we don't need it?

This question is related with Do we have to explicitly recycle the bitmap if we don't need it?. There is …

android imageview destroy
Image uri doesn't display images on ImageView on some android device

I have an ImageView. When you click on a ImageView, it will open gallery and you pick up a image …

android image imageview uri picasso
How to add a Marker/Pin on an ImageView Android?

I would like to ask on how to implement or add a marker on an imageView. I rendered an SVG …

java android imageview android-canvas marker
How do I save an ImageView as an image?

I have an ImageView with a share intent( which works great, brings up all the apps I can share the …

android save imageview photo
Working on Creating Image Gallery in JavaFX. not able to display image properly

I am creating image gallery using javafx. I found many things on internet regarding this but not able to get …

java javafx imageview gallery
how to half overlap imageview on another imageview in android

how can I overlap images half on one another from layout XML file like this image.

java android imageview overlap android-relativelayout
Detect tap on UIImageView IOS

Am I doing something wrong? I can't detect the tap on the UIImageview. The UIImageView *myImage is create in storyboard. …

ios imageview uitapgesturerecognizer
Android: how to detect touch location on ImageView if the image view is scaled by matrix?

I set OnTouchListener of an ImageView and implement onTouch method, but if the image is scaled using matrix, how do …

android matrix touch imageview scale
android:set gray scale filter to imageView

i use this library to show svg image on imageView , i want to show locked and unlocked mode with this …

android svg imageview android-image androidsvg