Top "Imageview" questions

Android widget that displays an arbitrary image or drawable, such as an icon.

How to inflate new copies of an ImageView object on a layout?

What I am trying to do is create N (in this case 9) copies of the ImageView object, …

android imageview coordinates inflate absolutelayout
clipChilren set to false still clipping

I am using a translate animation to move an egg(ImageButton) outside of the carton(ImageView), but it is consistently …

android imageview imagebutton
Android - image view inside view pager issues

I have an image view inside view pager to display some images coming from url as shown in the screen …

android android-layout imageview android-viewpager layoutparams
Set programmatically margin in android?

I have bellow xml . In this xml i need that set MarginTop "@+id/imgFooter" programatically toward "@+id/imgCenter" .But i …

android imageview android-imageview android-relativelayout layoutparams
How to create multiple copies of ImageView object programmatically?

I have an ImageView object,, defined in my XML layout, and what I'm trying to do is …

android imageview clone inflate
Transparent GIF in Android ImageView

I am trying to display the transparent GIF image in my app with no success. I can get to download …

android imageview transparent gif android-4.4-kitkat
How can I programmatically set adjustViewBounds to true in Android?

I want to set adjustViewBounds property of my ImageView to true, programmatically, not in XML. How can this be done?

android imageview scaling
how to set image view for custom title bar in android

I want to set custom title bar to which i want to set ImageView as background to the title bar. …

android imageview custom-titlebar
Android getExternalCacheDir() returns null

I am trying to implement the best practices described in Loading Bitmaps effeciently I've run into trouble because this line: …

android bitmap imageview android-sdcard
Resizing IMAGEVIEW on image scale android

I have an image inside an imageview in android. I am scaling the image using scaletype(MATRIX) via code similar …

android matrix resize imageview resize-image