Android widget that displays an arbitrary image or drawable, such as an icon.
Background There are various XML attributes for ImageView to scale its content , and various layout views that allow to place …
android imageview aspect-ratioThings looked quite simple first but in the end the result is not good. I have an image which has …
android imageview scaleI'm using the following code : ImageView i = new ImageView(mContext); i.setImageResource(mImageIds[position]); i.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY); //…
android imageview density-independent-pixelBeen trying to center a logo inside my toolbar. When i navigate to the next activity, the "up affordance" icon …
android android-actionbar imageview center toolbarI have a requirement where I have an ImageView and a button.…
android imageview android-imageview image-rotationI'm coding android and I have a imageview. I want to set scaletype of this to topcrop. I could find …
android imageview scaletypeI need send a imageview like i send the string "title", but i can't, how can i send a imageview (…
android android-activity imageview sendI want to scale an image in an ImageView in the following way. The ImageView has some dimensions Width (W) …
android imageview scalingany idea how to play a fade in animation when image loads? Now it just blinks into place. I am …
android imageview fadein animated android-volley