Top "Inflate" questions

inflate is the decompression counterpart to the lossless compression algorithm and format deflate.

How can I decompress a gzip stream with zlib?

Gzip format files (created with the gzip program, for example) use the "deflate" compression algorithm, which is the same compression …

gzip zlib inflate
JavaScript: Decompress / inflate /unzip /ungzip strings

I'm looking for JavaScript implementation of string inflating algorithms. I want to compress on the server side (Java), and decompress …

javascript gzip unzip inflate compression
Zlib compression Using Deflate and Inflate classes in Java

I want trying to use the Deflate and Inflate classes in for zlib compression. I am able …

java compression zlib deflate inflate
how to convert double to string in android

i want to convert string in my constructor into double, i can't change it in my constructor, because in one …

java android inflate
Error Inflating class

i am just following a simple map tutorial but getting this …

android google-maps map android-mapview inflate
How to add same view to parent multiple times by inflating it only once

I have a LinearLayout with vertical orientation as parent, I want to add some view programmatically multiple times to this …

android layout view add inflate
InvocationTargetException on inflating an xml - android

I have a code that works 99% of the time since is deploy in lots of clients, but sometimes I get …

xml android inflate
Inflate a view in a background thread

I have a very simple question: Is or is it not possible to inflate a view (not add it to …

android multithreading thread-safety inflate
Android - Inflating ListView

I am trying to populate a listview where each row has 2 textviews and a button. I think I nearly have …

android listview inflate
Golang unexpected EOF

Here's my code, I'm new to Go. I tried googling the issue, but I can't quite put my finger on …

go eof inflate