Top "Ondraw" questions

onDraw is an event that is used in multiple languages/frameworks to notify the application that something needs to be (re)drawn.

How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?

I have two points in the canvas, now I'm able to draw a line between those points like this below …

android android-canvas ondraw
View.onDraw() --- when does it get called?

I put a Log.d() call into the onDraw() of my extended View, so I could see how often and …

android graphics ondraw
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView

I'm trying to get the real size of an image displayed in an image view. Actually my image is larger …

android imageview ondraw
Android draw using SurfaceView and Thread

I am trying to draw a ball to my screen using 3 classes. I have read a little about this and …

android surfaceview ondraw
How to set canvas size?

I have a class named SeatsPanel where I draw seats (using drawRect) in the onDraw method. The onDraw method uses …

java android android-canvas ondraw
Android: How to use the onDraw method in a class extending Activity?

As a beginner, I've been building a simple counter application using a simple layout xml and a class called 'Counter', …

android android-activity sdk extends ondraw
How to update Android Views upon modifications?

I have some methods in my View that modify some of the shapes that are drawn when called. In Java …

android repaint invalidation ondraw
Clearing canvas with Canvas.drawColor()

i'm attempting to change the background image of a custom View with some success. the image will change but the …

android canvas ondraw
PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap

The goal is to draw a bitmap and over the top of something, and draw shapes that ERASE the underlying …

java android bitmap android-canvas ondraw
Override onDraw() or draw()?

My project is based on surfaceView and up until now I've had all of my rendering in onDraw which I …

android draw surfaceview ondraw