View.onDraw() --- when does it get called?

CptSupermrkt picture CptSupermrkt · Aug 11, 2012 · Viewed 41.3k times · Source

I put a Log.d() call into the onDraw() of my extended View, so I could see how often and when it's getting called. It gets called upon instantiation of the view, which is not surprising. But then I notice, it gets called on every tap that is handled by onTouchEvent(), even though my code there isn't doing anything remotely related to graphics. However, in the documentation for Views, I can't seem to find anything about when onDraw() is actually called. I'm not really concerned about my particular project here (this doesn't cause a problem for me), I would just like to know if there is a list somewhere or something that shows the order of operations for a View, particularly what causes onDraw() to get called.


Raghav Sood picture Raghav Sood · Aug 11, 2012

AFAIK, a View's onDraw() is called when:

  1. The view is initially drawn
  2. Whenever invalidate() is called on the view

Invalidate can be called by you or the system whenever needed. For example, a lot of Views change how they look onTouch, like an EditText getting an outline and cursor, or a button being in the pressed state. Due to this, Views are redrawn on touch.

I agree that it would be nice to have a document that detailed the working of Views, and if one exists and somebody knows where to find it, please let us know.