Top "Grid-search" questions

In machine learning, grid search refers to multiple runs to find the optimal value of parameter(s)/hyperparameter(s) of a model, e.g. mtry for random-forest or alpha, beta, lambda for glm, or C, kernel and gamma for SVM.

How to graph grid scores from GridSearchCV?

I am looking for a way to graph grid_scores_ from GridSearchCV in sklearn. In this example I am trying …

python machine-learning scikit-learn grid-search
What is the difference between cross-validation and grid search?

In simple words, what is the difference between cross-validation and grid search? How does grid search work? Should I do …

cross-validation definition difference grid-search
Sklearn How to Save a Model Created From a Pipeline and GridSearchCV Using Joblib or Pickle?

After identifying the best parameters using a pipeline and GridSearchCV, how do I pickle/joblib this process to re-use later? …

python scikit-learn pipeline grid-search
Using GridSearchCV with AdaBoost and DecisionTreeClassifier

I am attempting to tune an AdaBoost Classifier ("ABT") using a DecisionTreeClassifier ("DTC") as the base_estimator. I would like …

python scikit-learn decision-tree adaboost grid-search
ImportError: No module named grid_search, learning_curve

Problem with Scikit learn l can't use learning_curve of Sklearn and sklearn.grid_search. When l do import sklearn (…

python scikit-learn grid-search
Random Forest with GridSearchCV - Error on param_grid

Im trying to create a Random Forest model with GridSearchCV but am getting an error pertaining to param_grid: "ValueError: …

python scikit-learn random-forest grid-search
Use sklearn's GridSearchCV with a pipeline, preprocessing just once

I'm using scickit-learn to tune a model hyper-parameters. I'm using a pipeline to have chain the preprocessing with the estimator. …

python numpy machine-learning scikit-learn grid-search
Invalid parameter for sklearn estimator pipeline

I am implementing an example from the O'Reilly book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python", using Python 2.7 and sklearn 0.16. The …

python scikit-learn pipeline grid-search
Grid search with LightGBM example

I am trying to find the best parameters for a lightgbm model using GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection. I have …

python-3.x grid-search lightgbm
Get feature importance from GridSearchCV

Is there a way to get feature importance from a sklearn's GridSearchCV? For example : from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV …

python scikit-learn grid-search