Top "Adaboost" questions

AdaBoost is a meta machine learning algorithm.

Using GridSearchCV with AdaBoost and DecisionTreeClassifier

I am attempting to tune an AdaBoost Classifier ("ABT") using a DecisionTreeClassifier ("DTC") as the base_estimator. I would like …

python scikit-learn decision-tree adaboost grid-search
Using adaboost within R's caret package

I've been using the ada R package for a while, and more recently, caret. According to the documentation, caret's train() …

r machine-learning data-mining classification adaboost
Weak Classifier

I am trying to implement an application that uses AdaBoost algorithm. I know that AdaBoost uses set of weak classifiers, …

machine-learning artificial-intelligence classification adaboost
AdaBoostClassifier with different base learners

I am trying to use AdaBoostClassifier with a base learner other than DecisionTree. I have tried SVM and KNeighborsClassifier but …

machine-learning scikit-learn adaboost
How to use adaboost with different base estimator in scikit-learn?

I want to use adaboost with several base estimators for regression in scikit-learning, but I don't find any class that …

python machine-learning scikit-learn adaboost ensemble-learning
How to boost a Keras based neural network using AdaBoost?

Assuming I fit the following neural network for a binary classification problem: model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(21, input_dim=19, init=…

python neural-network keras adaboost boosting
adabag boosting function throws error when giving mfinal>10

I have a strange issue, whenever I try increasing the mfinal argument in boosting function of adabag package beyond 10 I …

r adaboost
how to use weight when training a weak learner for adaboost

The following is adaboost algorithm: It mentions "using weights wi on the training data" at part 3.1. I am not very …

machine-learning adaboost
How Viola Jones With AdaBoost Algorithm Work in Face Detection?

I've read a lot about Viola Jones method but i still not understand about "Weak Classifier", "Strong Classifier", "Sub Window" …

image-processing face-detection adaboost viola-jones
Advantages of SVM over decion trees and AdaBoost algorithm

I am working on binary classification of data and I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of using Support …

machine-learning classification svm decision-tree adaboost