Top "Ensemble-learning" questions

In statistics and machine learning, ensemble methods use multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than could be obtained from any of the constituent learning algorithms.

How to handle categorical variables in sklearn GradientBoostingClassifier?

I am attempting to train models with GradientBoostingClassifier using categorical variables. The following is a primitive code sample, just for …

python machine-learning scikit-learn decision-tree ensemble-learning
sklearn.ensemble.AdaBoostClassifier cannot accecpt SVM as base_estimator?

I am doing a text classification task. Now I want to use ensemble.AdaBoostClassifier with LinearSVC as base_estimator. However, …

python machine-learning scikit-learn ensemble-learning
What is a weak learner?

I want to compare different error rates of different classifiers with the error rate from a weak learner (better than …

machine-learning ensemble-learning
How to use adaboost with different base estimator in scikit-learn?

I want to use adaboost with several base estimators for regression in scikit-learning, but I don't find any class that …

python machine-learning scikit-learn adaboost ensemble-learning
Ensemble of different kinds of regressors using scikit-learn (or any other python framework)

I am trying to solve the regression task. I found out that 3 models are working nicely for different subsets of …

machine-learning scikit-learn ensemble-learning
GradientBoostingClassifier with a BaseEstimator in scikit-learn?

I tried to use GradientBoostingClassifier in scikit-learn and it works fine with its default parameters. However, when I tried to …

python numpy machine-learning scikit-learn ensemble-learning
R Caret Package Error - At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name

I am receiving the following error in R when stacking using the caret package. "Error: At least one of the …

r error-handling r-caret ensemble-learning