Top "Difference" questions

This tag may refer to 1) the difference between two numbers (i.e. the difference between 5 and 10 is 5) or 2) the things that two or more particular objects do not share in common.

Differences between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK

NOTE: This question is from 2014. As of Java 11 OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are converging. Are there any crucial differences between …

java difference
Get the time difference between two datetimes

I know I can do anything and some more envolving Dates with momentjs. But embarrassingly, I'm having a hard time …

javascript date time momentjs difference
What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE & OpenJDK?

What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE & OpenJDK? I was programming in Java and I encountered these phrases, …

java jvm difference
Java 8: Difference between two LocalDateTime in multiple units

I am trying to calculate the difference between two LocalDateTime. The output needs to be of the format y years …

java date datetime java-8 difference
What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm?

Please, help me understand the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm, keeping in mind that I am just …

algorithm machine-learning difference
What's the difference between ViewData and ViewBag?

I saw the ViewBag in MVC 3. How's that different than ViewData in MVC 2?

.net difference viewbag viewdata
Calculate time difference in minutes in SQL Server

I need the time difference between two times in minutes. I am having the start time and end time as …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 datetime difference
What is the difference between bottom-up and top-down?

The bottom-up approach (to dynamic programming) consists in first looking at the "smaller" subproblems, and then solve the larger subproblems …

dynamic-programming difference memoization
Android difference between Two Dates

I have two date like: String date_1="yyyyMMddHHmmss"; String date_2="yyyyMMddHHmmss"; I want to print the difference like: 2d 3h 45…

android date difference
Difference between IsNullOrEmpty and IsNullOrWhiteSpace in C#

What are differences between these commands in C# string text= " "; 1-string.IsNullOrEmpty(text.Trim()) 2-string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)

c# string difference isnullorempty string-function