Top "Difference" questions

This tag may refer to 1) the difference between two numbers (i.e. the difference between 5 and 10 is 5) or 2) the things that two or more particular objects do not share in common.

What's the difference between api key, client id and service account?

I needed to access a Google's service, i.e. Google Analytics, from my Symfony 2 application, so I had to use …

php symfony google-analytics google-api-php-client difference
(git) diff output relative path?

I need to get some diffs in my repo that are not relative to the base of the repo, but …

git diff patch git-diff difference
Find difference between two timestamps - iOS

I am trying to use NSTimeInterval to figure out the difference between two timestamps in my iOS application. However I …

ios nsdate unix-timestamp nstimeinterval difference
Grafana difference between two datapoints

In a Graphana dashboard with several datapoints, how can I get the difference between the last value and the previouse …

dashboard grafana difference graphite graphite-carbon
Package vs Library

I've just started working with CMake and I noticed that they have both a find_package and a find_library. …

cmake package libraries difference
Ruby on Rails: difference between .html_safe and sanitize()

I have two pieces of code in my view: <%= sanitize('<h3>winter</h3>') %&…

ruby-on-rails-4 sanitize difference html-safe
How to convert a timedelta to minutes?

I want to calculate the difference in minutes between two datetimes. My current code results in a timedelta of '1 …

python python-3.x time difference timedelta
What is the difference between keras and tf.keras?

I'm learning TensorFlow and Keras. I'd like to try, and it seems to be …

tensorflow keras difference tf.keras
It's mysql or mysqld?

recently I've installed Mysql and it turns out the service name of it is "mysql" (there no "d" suffix), I …

mysql database difference
Entity Framework - CreateQuery VS ExecuteFunction VS ExecuteStoreQuery VS ExecuteStoreCommand

What are the differences between following- CreateQuery()  ExecuteFunction(), ExecuteStoreQuery() and ExecuteStoreCommand() As per my knowledge CreateQuery is used for Entity …

c# entity-framework difference executestorequery