Top "Cross-validation" questions

Cross-Validation is a method of evaluating and comparing predictive systems in statistics and machine learning.

How to get Best Estimator on GridSearchCV (Random Forest Classifier Scikit)

I'm running GridSearch CV to optimize the parameters of a classifier in scikit. Once I'm done, I'd like to know …

python scikit-learn random-forest cross-validation
How to use the a k-fold cross validation in scikit with naive bayes classifier and NLTK

I have a small corpus and I want to calculate the accuracy of naive Bayes classifier using 10-fold cross validation, …

python scikit-learn nltk cross-validation naivebayes
How to perform random forest/cross validation in R

I'm unable to find a way of performing cross validation on a regression random forest model that I'm trying to …

r random-forest cross-validation
What is the difference between cross-validation and grid search?

In simple words, what is the difference between cross-validation and grid search? How does grid search work? Should I do …

cross-validation definition difference grid-search
module 'sklearn' has no attribute 'cross_validation'

I am trying to split my dataset into training and testing dataset, but I am getting this error: X_train,…

python scikit-learn cross-validation
scikit-learn cross validation, negative values with mean squared error

When I use the following code with Data matrix X of size (952,144) and output vector y of size (952), mean_squared_…

python regression scikit-learn cross-validation
Creating folds for k-fold CV in R using Caret

I'm trying to make a k-fold CV for several classification methods/hiperparameters using the data available at http://archive.ics.…

r cross-validation r-caret
Applying k-fold Cross Validation model using caret package

Let me start by saying that I have read many posts on Cross Validation and it seems there is much …

r cross-validation r-caret rpart
How to split data on balanced training set and test set on sklearn

I am using sklearn for multi-classification task. I need to split alldata into train_set and test_set. I want …

machine-learning scikit-learn svm cross-validation
Evaluating Logistic regression with cross validation

I would like to use cross validation to test/train my dataset and evaluate the performance of the logistic regression …

python scikit-learn logistic-regression cross-validation