Top "Random-forest" questions

In learning algorithms and statistical classification, a random forest is an ensemble classifier that consists in many decision trees.

How to extract the decision rules from scikit-learn decision-tree?

Can I extract the underlying decision-rules (or 'decision paths') from a trained tree in a decision tree as a textual …

python machine-learning scikit-learn decision-tree random-forest ValueError: could not convert string to float

Given is a simple CSV file: A,B,C Hello,Hi,0 Hola,Bueno,1 Obviously the real dataset is far more …

python scikit-learn random-forest
How to get Best Estimator on GridSearchCV (Random Forest Classifier Scikit)

I'm running GridSearch CV to optimize the parameters of a classifier in scikit. Once I'm done, I'd like to know …

python scikit-learn random-forest cross-validation
How to use random forests in R with missing values?

library(randomForest) rf.model <- randomForest(WIN ~ ., data = learn) I would like to fit a random forest model, but …

r random-forest
setting values for ntree and mtry for random forest regression model

I'm using R package randomForest to do a regression on some biological data. My training data size is 38772 X 201. I …

r statistics machine-learning regression random-forest
Random Forest Feature Importance Chart using Python

I am working with RandomForestRegressor in python and I want to create a chart that will illustrate the ranking of …

python plot random-forest feature-selection
How to eliminate "NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 7)" running predict with randomForest

I have researched this extensively without finding a solution. I have cleaned my data set as follows: library("raster") impute.…

r runtime-error random-forest predict
How are feature_importances in RandomForestClassifier determined?

I have a classification task with a time-series as the data input, where each attribute (n=23) represents a specific point …

scikit-learn random-forest feature-selection
What is out of bag error in Random Forests?

What is out of bag error in Random Forests? Is it the optimal parameter for finding the right number of …

language-agnostic machine-learning classification random-forest
How can I use the row.names attribute to order the rows of my dataframe in R?

I created a random forest and predicted the classes of my test set, which are living happily in a dataframe: …

r dataframe random-forest