Top "Predict" questions

Prediction of values based on model objects.

Error in Python script "Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead:"?

I'm following this tutorial to make this ML prediction: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib …

python python-3.x machine-learning predict
Predict() - Maybe I'm not understanding it

I posted earlier today about an error I was getting with using the predict function. I was able to get …

r lm predict
R: numeric 'envir' arg not of length one in predict()

I'm trying to predict a value in R using the predict() function, by passing along variables into the model. I …

r lm predict
How to eliminate "NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 7)" running predict with randomForest

I have researched this extensively without finding a solution. I have cleaned my data set as follows: library("raster") impute.…

r runtime-error random-forest predict
Error when I try to predict class probabilities in R - caret

I've build a model using caret. When the training was completed I got the following warning: Warning message: In train.…

r predict r-caret
Using randomForest package in R, how to get probabilities from classification model?

TL;DR : Is there something I can flag in the original randomForest call to avoid having to re-run the predict …

r machine-learning random-forest predict
Deciding threshold for glm logistic regression model in R

I have some data with predictors and a binary target. Eg: df <- data.frame(a=sort(sample(1:100,30)), b= …

r glm predict logistic-regression
R predict() function returning wrong/too many values

I am trying to convert Absorbance (Abs) values to Concentration (ng/mL), based on an established linear model & standard …

r predict
Multiclass Classification with LightGBM

I am trying to model a classifier for a multi-class Classification problem (3 Classes) using LightGBM in Python. I used the …

python machine-learning predict multiclass-classification lightgbm
2d game : fire at a moving target by predicting intersection of projectile and unit

Okay, this all takes place in a nice and simple 2D world... :) Suppose I have a static object A at …

2d intersection predict