Top "Predict" questions

Prediction of values based on model objects.

How to predict x values from a linear model (lm)

I have this data set: x <- c(0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200) y <- c(6.52, 5.10, 4.43, 3.99, 3.75, 3.60) I calculated a linear model using lm(): …

r lm predict
Predict in Tensorflow estimator using input fn

I use the tutorial code from…

tensorflow classification predict
Using lm and predict on data in matrices

I use R only a little bit and never use data frames, which makes understanding the correct use of predict …

r dataframe lm predict
Predict y value for a given x in R

I have a linear model: mod=lm(weight~age, data=f2) I would like to input an age value and …

r linear-regression predict
Error in R - no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "formula"

I'd like to ask for help with the predict function. I want to get a fitting line to my data …

r predict model-fitting
R - predict command error "undefined columns selected"

I’m a newbie to R, and I’m having trouble with an R predict command. I receive this error …

r predict
sklearn LinearRegression.Predict() issue

I am trying to predict call volume for a call center based on various other factors. I have a fairly …

python scikit-learn linear-regression predict
How to predict with multinom() in R

I'm trying to calculate predicted probabilities using specific values, but R shows the following error: Error in model.frame.default(…

r predict multinomial
predict() with arbitrary coefficients in r

I've got some coefficients for a logit model set by a non-r user. I'd like to import those coefficients into …

r glm predict
Predicting values using Arima model for periods that are not ahead the end of the series

I'm generating an Arima model with an external regressor. Let's suppose I have n observations. The predict.Arima function from …

r forecasting predict