Top "Multinomial" questions

The multinomial distribution provides a probability distribution over three or more possible outcomes.

multinomial logistic multilevel models in R

Problem: I need to estimate a set of multinomial logistic multilevel models and can’t find an appropriate R package. …

r multi-level multinomial
Dealing with negative values in sklearn MultinomialNB

I am normalizing my text input before running MultinomialNB in sklearn like this: vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, stop_words='english', …

python scikit-learn multinomial
In gbm multinomial dist, how to use predict to get categorical output?

My response is a categorical variable (some alphabets), so I used distribution='multinomial' when making the model, and now I …

r machine-learning categorical-data multinomial gbm
Multinomial regression using multinom function in R

I was thinking about posting my question in Cross-Validated, but decided to come here. I am using the multinom() function …

r probability logistic-regression multinomial
How to display "beautiful" glm and multinom table with Rmd and Knit HTML?

When I perform a multinom reg. I have difficulties to get a nice summary with Rmd and and Knit HTLM (…

r markdown knitr multinomial stargazer
How to predict with multinom() in R

I'm trying to calculate predicted probabilities using specific values, but R shows the following error: Error in model.frame.default(…

r predict multinomial