Top "Stargazer" questions

Stargazer is an R package that produces LaTeX code for well-formatted tables that hold regression analysis results from several models side-by-side, as well as summary statistics.

Using stargazer with Rstudio and Knitr

I'm struggling to use stargazer output in knitr, using RStudio. For example, I paste the code below into a .Rmd …

r knitr stargazer
Stargazer output is code, not a table

I am trying to use the package stargazer in RStudio to generate a summary table of my data. For some …

r r-markdown stargazer
How to resize tables generated by Stargazer in R Markdown?

I included resize.height=0.5,resize.width=0.5 in the code chunk, but still can't resize the table generated by stargazer. Can …

r-markdown beamer stargazer
using stargazer in R without knowing anything about latex

I'm about to teach an R course for social scientists. They are likely to know nothing about LaTeX, and reluctant …

r ms-word latex stargazer
How to suppress stargazer() information in output file

I'm using the stargazer package to output an R dataframe as latex code: library(stargazer) stargazer(mtcars) And this is …

r latex stargazer
Printing nice cross-tabulations in knitr

What I want is to print nice crosstabulations, either in a pdf file, or in a html file, from RStudio, …

r knitr xtable stargazer
How to display "beautiful" glm and multinom table with Rmd and Knit HTML?

When I perform a multinom reg. I have difficulties to get a nice summary with Rmd and and Knit HTLM (…

r markdown knitr multinomial stargazer
Displaying p-values instead of SEs in parenthesis

When using the stargazer package, I want to change the value that appears in parentheses under the coefficients. By default, …

r stargazer
Odds ratios instead of logits in stargazer() LaTeX output

When using stargazer to create a LaTeX table on a logistic regression object the standard behaviour is to output logit-values …

r latex stargazer
Stargazer: Save to file, don't show in console

When I want to save my regression results with stargazer(regressions[[reg]], out=myFile, out.header=FALSE stargazer keeps also …

r stargazer