Top "R-markdown" questions

R Flavored Markdown or "R Markdown" is a markdown variant used for content-creation and/or programming documentation interleaved with R code.

How to add new line in Markdown presentation?

How to add new line in Markdown presentation? I mean, something like \newline in TeX.

markdown r-markdown presentation
Insert picture/table in R Markdown

So I want to insert a table AND a picture into R Markdown. In regular word document I can just …

r r-markdown
R - Markdown avoiding package loading messages

I have been using Knitr via R-Studio, and think it is pretty neat. I have a minor issue though. When …

r markdown knitr rstudio r-markdown
Hiding the R code in Rmarkdown/knit and just showing the results

In my R Markdown documents, I sometimes want to just generate a report without showing the actual code (specially when …

r-markdown knitr
How to add \newpage in Rmarkdown in a smart way?

I wonder if one could simply use LaTeX \newpage command in R markdown v2 in a different way than this: ```{…

r r-markdown
R Markdown - changing font size and font type in html output

I am using R Markdown in RStudio and the knit HTML option to create HTML output. However, the font used …

r knitr r-markdown
Centering image and text in R Markdown for a PDF report

I want to center an image and/or text using R Markdown and knit a PDF report out of it. …

r markdown r-markdown
How to convert R Markdown to PDF?

I've previously asked about the commands for converting R Markdown to HTML. What is a good way to convert R …

r-markdown knitr pandoc
Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer

Doesn't fit on the slide by default, doesn't even print by any other means. Here's the .Rmd: Edit: it seems …

r knitr pandoc beamer r-markdown
How to show code but hide output in RMarkdown?

I want my html file to show the code, but not the output of this chunk: ```{r echo=True, include=…

r knitr r-markdown