How to display "beautiful" glm and multinom table with Rmd and Knit HTML?

S12000 picture S12000 · Sep 23, 2013 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

When I perform a multinom reg. I have difficulties to get a nice summary with Rmd and and Knit HTLM (Rstudio). I would like to know how to get a nice summary as if I use the stargazer package with LaTeX... (cf. printscreen)

Summary output difficult to read ! enter image description here

Summary nice and easy to read with stargazer! enter image description here


nograpes picture nograpes · Sep 23, 2013

You can do this with xtable, which can write tables directly to HTML. Here is an example markdown document:


My regression table.
```{r chunkTest, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
fm3 <- glm(disadvg ~ ethnicty*grade, data = tli, family = binomial())
fm3.table <- xtable(fm3)
# Coefficients
print(fm3.table, type = "html")
# Analysis of variance.
print(xtable(anova(fm3)), type = "html")

If you want the stars, there is a lovely package called texreg which can output with stars, and has some other nice features that xtable doesn't.

```{r chunkTest1, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}