Top "Categorical-data" questions

Statistical data type whose value is one of a fixed number of nominal categories.

Plotting with ggplot2: "Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale" on categorical y-axis

The plotting code below gives Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale What's wrong with this code? It works fine …

r ggplot2 scale categorical-data r-factor
How to force R to use a specified factor level as reference in a regression?

How can I tell R to use a certain level as reference if I use binary explanatory variables in a …

r regression linear-regression categorical-data dummy-variable
Make Frequency Histogram for Factor Variables

I am very new to R, so I apologize for such a basic question. I spent an hour googling this …

r histogram categorical-data
R error "sum not meaningful for factors"

I have a file called rRna_RDP_taxonomy_phylum with the following data : 364 "Firmicutes" 39.31 244 "Proteobacteria" 26.35 218 "Actinobacteria" 23.54 65 "Bacteroidetes" 7.02 22 "Fusobacteria" 2.38 6 "Thermotogae" 0.65 3 unclassified_…

r r-factor categorical-data
pandas dataframe convert column type to string or categorical

How do I convert a single column of a pandas dataframe to type string? In the df of housing data …

pandas dataframe type-conversion categorical-data
Pandas: convert categories to numbers

Suppose I have a dataframe with countries that goes as: cc | temp US | 37.0 CA | 12.0 US | 35.0 AU | 20.0 I know that there …

python pandas series categorical-data binning
Add extra level to factors in dataframe

I have a data frame with numeric and ordered factor columns. I have lot of NA values, so no level …

r dataframe categorical-data
How to handle categorical features with spark-ml?

How do I handle categorical data with spark-ml and not spark-mllib ? Thought the documentation is not very clear, it seems …

apache-spark categorical-data apache-spark-ml apache-spark-mllib
XGBoost Categorical Variables: Dummification vs encoding

When using XGBoost we need to convert categorical variables into numeric. Would there be any difference in performance/evaluation metrics …

python categorical-data xgboost
Issue with OneHotEncoder for categorical features

I want to encode 3 categorical features out of 10 features in my datasets. I use preprocessing from sklearn.preprocessing to do …

scikit-learn feature-extraction categorical-data