Top "Rpart" questions

An R package for fitting classification and regression trees.

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object not found

I cannot understand what is going wrong here. data.train <- read.table("Assign2.WineComplete.csv",sep=",",header=T) # …

r dataframe rpart
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'Rm' not found

dataset = read.csv('dataset/housing.header.binary.txt') dataset1 = dataset[6] #higest positive correlation dataset2 = dataset[13] #lowest negative correlation dependentVal= dataset[14] #…

r classification prediction rpart
How to compute error rate from a decision tree?

Does anyone know how to calculate the error rate for a decision tree with R? I am using the rpart() …

r classification decision-tree rpart
Applying k-fold Cross Validation model using caret package

Let me start by saying that I have read many posts on Cross Validation and it seems there is much …

r cross-validation r-caret rpart
The result of rpart is just with 1 root

As in my dataset ,the Leakage have two value 1,0. There are just about 300 rows with 1 and extra in 569378 rows are …

r rpart
Getting invalid model formula in ExtractVars when using rpart function in R

The dataset can be downloaded from Getting the following error: formula(formula, …

r rpart
Warning message: "missing values in resampled performance measures" in caret train() using rpart

I am using the caret package to train a model with "rpart" package; tr = train(y ~ ., data = trainingDATA, method = "rpart") …

r rpart r-caret
Data Prediction using Decision Tree of rpart

I am using R to classify a data-frame called 'd' containing data structured like below: The data has 576666 rows and …

r machine-learning classification decision-tree rpart
How to make a tree plot in caret package?

I'm using caret package to model the data using rpart package. library('caret') data(iris) formula <- as.formula(…

r plot rpart r-caret
building classification tree having categorical variables using rpart

I have a data set with 14 features and few of them are as below, where sex and marital status are …

r decision-tree rpart