Top "Grid-search" questions

In machine learning, grid search refers to multiple runs to find the optimal value of parameter(s)/hyperparameter(s) of a model, e.g. mtry for random-forest or alpha, beta, lambda for glm, or C, kernel and gamma for SVM.

Scikit-learn using GridSearchCV on DecisionTreeClassifier

I tried to use GridSearchCV on DecisionTreeClassifier, but get the following error: TypeError: unbound method get_params() must be called …

python machine-learning scikit-learn grid-search
using best params from gridsearchcv

I don't know if it is the right question to ask here, but I will ask anyways. If it is …

python scikit-learn grid-search
Is there a quicker way of running GridsearchCV

I'm optimizing some paramters for an SVC in sklearn, and the biggest issue here is having to wait 30 minutes before …

python time scikit-learn svc grid-search
What is the meaning of 'mean_test_score' in cv_result?

Hello I'm doing a GridSearchCV and I'm printing the result with the .cv_results_ function from scikit learn. My problem …

python scikit-learn grid-search
Is there easy way to grid search without cross validation in python?

There is absolutely helpful class GridSearchCV in scikit-learn to do grid search and cross validation, but I don't want to …

python scikit-learn random-forest grid-search
GridSearchCV.best_score_ meaning when scoring set to 'accuracy' and CV

I'm trying to find the best model Neural Network model applied for the classification of breast cancer samples on the …

python pandas scikit-learn cross-validation grid-search
ValueError: Can't handle mix of multilabel-indicator and binary

I am using Keras with the scikit-learn wrapper. In particular, I want to use GridSearchCV for hyper-parameters optimisation. This is …

scikit-learn keras grid-search one-hot-encoding multiclass-classification
How to estimate the progress of a GridSearchCV from verbose output in Scikit-Learn?

Right now I'm running a pretty aggressive grid search. I have n=135 samples and I am running 23 folds using a …

python machine-learning parameters scikit-learn grid-search
Grid-Search finding Parameters for AUC

I'm trying to find the parameters for my SVM, which give me the best AUC. But i can't find any …

python scikit-learn svm grid-search
GridSearchCV Random Forest Regressor Tuning Best Params

I want to improve the parameters of this GridSearchCV for a Random Forest Regressor. def Grid_Search_CV_RFR(X_…

python random-forest grid-search