Top "Grid-search" questions

In machine learning, grid search refers to multiple runs to find the optimal value of parameter(s)/hyperparameter(s) of a model, e.g. mtry for random-forest or alpha, beta, lambda for glm, or C, kernel and gamma for SVM.

scikit-learn GridSearchCV with multiple repetitions

I'm trying to get the best set of parameters for an SVR model. I'd like to use the GridSearchCV over …

python scikit-learn cross-validation grid-search
Try multiple estimator in one grid-search

Is there a way we can grid-search multiple estimators at a time in Sklearn or any other library. For example …

scikit-learn grid-search
Using Smote with Gridsearchcv in Scikit-learn

I'm dealing with an imbalanced dataset and want to do a grid search to tune my model's parameters using scikit's …

python machine-learning scikit-learn grid-search oversampling
Explicitly specifying test/train sets in GridSearchCV

I have a question about the cv parameter of sklearn's GridSearchCV. I'm working with data that has a time component …

python scikit-learn grid-search
How to use GridSearchCV output for a scikit prediction?

In the following code: # Load dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() X, y =, rf_feature_imp = RandomForestClassifier(100) …

python scikit-learn grid-search
Random Forest hyperparameter tuning scikit-learn using GridSearchCV

I am trying to use Random forest for my problem (below is a sample code for boston datasets, not for …

python scikit-learn random-forest grid-search
GridSearchCV: "TypeError: 'StratifiedKFold' object is not iterable"

I want to perform GridSearchCV in a RandomForestClassifier, but data is not balanced, so I use StratifiedKFold: from sklearn.model_…

pandas scikit-learn grid-search sklearn-pandas
How to pass elegantly Sklearn's GridseachCV's best parameters to another model?

I have found a set of best hyperparameters for my KNN estimator with Grid Search CV: >>> knn_…

python machine-learning scikit-learn grid-search hyperparameters
Grid Search parameter and cross-validated data set in KNN classifier in Scikit-learn

I'm trying to perform my first KNN Classifier using SciKit-Learn. I've been following the User Guide and other online examples …

scikit-learn cross-validation knn grid-search
Memory leak using gridsearchcv

Problem: My situation appears to be a memory leak when running gridsearchcv. This happens when I run with 1 or 32 concurrent …

memory-leaks scikit-learn grid-search gridsearchcv