Top "Devexpress" questions

DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.

Set programatically the title to the viewer form in XtraReport

Does anybody know how to set the title to the form viewer when showing an XtraReport document? The scenario is …

c# devexpress xtrareport
Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery) is not supported Entity Framework 5

I have a devexpress GridControl for which I am setting it's datasource like so: var regs = (from vcap in context.…

devexpress entity-framework-5 datasource
How to use SubReport in XtraReport?

I have a main Report which consist of (Detail Report) Transaction # Amount Due PaymentType Money Tendered and I have another … devexpress reporting report xtrareport
Devexpress gridcontrol change selected row color

I'm using FormatConditions to format certain rows based on their properties. E.g. I have a gridcontrol with many rows …

colors devexpress rows selected gridcontrol
This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding error in c#?

I have tried to bind a datasource to a DevExpress.XtraEditors.LookupEdit at run-time. I tried this code, but am …

c# winforms devexpress
Add Values to a Row of TreeList of DevExpress

I am creating an application and used a TreeList of DevExpress. Currently, I am the one who created the nodes …

c# devexpress xtratreelist
How do I set a max numeric value in a Devexpress TextEdit box?

I've got a numbers-only TextEdit box with MaxLength set to 2, allowing the user to enter 0-99. Can I restrict this …

c# winforms devexpress textedit
How to programmatically reach any AspxControl inside an AspXGridView's EditItemTemplate

Its very simple and i feel myself as an idiot :( I newly started to using DevX Controls. Its documentation and … devexpress aspxgridview edititemtemplate
DevExpress GridControl line numbers

How to make column with row number? Solutions that works with default WPF dataGrid don't work with DevExpress...

c# wpf devexpress gridcontrol
How to force grid to propagate value to datasource immediately on change?

I have a DevExpress' XtraGrid which is bound to a collection of objects. I want changes to get into the …

c# winforms binding devexpress xtragrid