Top "Devexpress" questions

DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.

DevExpress XtraGrid Control with checkBoxEdit column

I've a DevExpress XtraGrid control with three columns and a unbound checkBoxEdit column for users to select when deleting items …

c# winforms devexpress xtragrid
How to show image in gridview cell from image path without using cutomunboundcolumn event?

I have a grid view in which I want to show images whose paths are stored in a database. I …

.net winforms devexpress gridcontrol
How to disable one row of DevExpress XtraGrid in C#

I am using DevExpress XtraGrid in c#.NET application. I want to disable or set readonly property to particular row …

c# winforms devexpress xtragrid
Set image to RepositoryItemPictureEdit in XtraGrid

I have XtraGrid, I've added a new column and set its ColumnEdit property to RepositoryItemPictureEdit. I have tried to set …

repository devexpress xtragrid
Visual Studio 2010 - XAML Editor Extraordinarily Slow

Has anyone else experience incredibly slow performance in the XAML editor in VS 2010? If I have a new project with …

wpf visual-studio-2010 visual-studio xaml devexpress
"Hello, world!" example for DevExpress QuantumGrid?

I successfully installed the latest QuantumGrid from DevExpress, but I've never worked with this grid before, and I don't know …

delphi grid components devexpress
Exporting Several XtraGrid Controls to a Single Excel File

I've got several XtraGrid Controls each one containing different information, I get some information about the way in which you …

devexpress export-to-excel excel-interop xtragrid
How to get visible rowindex of aspxgridview on row deleting event

Can anybody help me to get the visible RowIndex of the row on RowDeleting event of ASPxGridView control? devexpress aspxgridview
How to get ChildNodes of selected node in DevExpress XtraTreeList?

I am using DevExpress XtraTreeList. There are no checkboxes used. I want to get all childnode IDs of selected node. …

c# winforms devexpress treelist
How to get selected row index in devexpress gridcontrol?

I have devexpress gridcontrol which looks like that: I have click event on this red X button: private void delete_…

c# devexpress gridcontrol devexpress-gridcontrol