DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.
How to best fit all the columns in a grid control when form is loaded. I do have a button …
c# devexpress gridcontrolI have a datatable with more than 300 rows. I want each page to present only 10 rows in it. I want …
c# devexpress xtrareportHow can set icon in Dev express data grid depending on the value returning from Database
c# devexpress xtragridHai all, How to change devexpress gridconrol column header caption using c#. please help
c# header devexpress gridcontrolI use this code to generate the data and output it in my gridview string sql = "Sql Query"; string sqlCredit= "…
c# winforms devexpress devexpress-windows-uiI previously asked a similar question, but the code was much more complicated. This question involves a similar problem, but …
devexpressOn .net WinForm, DevExpress's GridControl/GridView bound on a DataSet, how to specify the default sort order? The one that …
.net gridview devexpress xtragrid gridcontrolWhen I first press down control key (the left one) and then click the left mouse button, why does the …
c# winforms devexpressI'm having a problem on getting the selected rows values of a detail grid. I have master-detail grid in a …
devexpress master-detail aspxgridview selectedvalueI have already find out the solution, i just want to post it so this may be useful for some …
c# gridview devexpress rowcommand