DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.
I am actually finding that chkContactType.Items is empty when I step through the code. I even added a Watch …
c# winforms data-binding devexpress checkedlistboxI'm using Devexpress TcxGrid and I'm trying to get selected cell text. My TcxGrid is connected to some kind of …
delphi devexpress tcxgridI can't get column name of clicked cell in GridControl of XtraGrid. How can I do that? I'm handling GridView.…
c# winforms devexpress xtragridI am using Winforms DevExpress and I am binding a DataTable to a DataGridView which is working fine. The problem …
c# winforms data-binding datatable devexpressI want to place a combobox inside one column of a Xtragrid. I can bind the combobox to array values …
winforms user-interface devexpressI have a DevExpress LayoutControl set inside a WinForms Form. I would like the LayoutControl to resize horizontally when the …
devexpressI have a List<SomeClass> bound to DevExpressXtraGrid like: MyXtraGrid.DataSource = MyList; I have some columns made in …
c# binding devexpress xtragridLet me preface this question with the fact that I am very new to MVC. I have an instance where …
c# devexpress have a third-party editor that basically comprises a textbox and a button (the DevExpress ButtonEdit control). I want to …
c# .net event-handling devexpressHai all, Am using DevExpress LookupEdit in C#.NET project,also set both Display Member and Value member property of …
c# .net winforms devexpress repositorylookupedit