Top "Tcxgrid" questions

TcxGrid is a grid control presents data from a data storage in various ways.

How do I color a cxgrid based on table value?

I would like all rows where in particular field name 'hello' is present to get colored green. I tried this …

delphi devexpress tcxgrid
How to get selected cell text from TcxGrid?

I'm using Devexpress TcxGrid and I'm trying to get selected cell text. My TcxGrid is connected to some kind of …

delphi devexpress tcxgrid
Create column on execute time in TcxGrid like tDbGrid in delphi

I use TcxGrid But I cant create fields on execution time because I have a pivot query and columns are …

delphi tcxgrid
How to auto-size a DevExpress TcxGrid

I've created a table from a TcxGrid with a simple table view. The data is being poked into the table …

delphi autosize tcxgrid
Add an individual column to cxGrid and use for selection purposes (checkbox)

I do not want to add a database field in my actual database to use for selection purpose so I …

delphi delphi-xe4 tcxgrid
How can create summary footer on runtime?

I use TcxGrid I have create fields on execution time because I have a pivot query and columns are variable …

delphi runtime footer tcxgrid
Search database table by record fields and display record on cxgrid

What is the best way to allow a user to search for a record in a database table by typing …

delphi delphi-xe2 sybase-asa tcxgrid
How to loop through records on a cxgrid - Delphi xe2

How do you loop through a cxgrids records? i.e. make delphi program go through/check each record in the …

delphi delphi-xe2 tcxgrid