Top "Devexpress" questions

DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.

How to make popup menu with right click on GridControl row?

I have a GridControl with some rows on my DevExpress interface. When I right-click on some row of the grid …

devexpress contextmenu right-click gridcontrol
how to set devexpress lookupedit selected text in gridvidew

I have a grid which has two columns and the the first column has a lookupedit. I can fill the …

c# gridview devexpress repositorylookupedit
Formatting columns in the DevExpress ASPxGridView?

Does anyone know how I could format columns in the DevExpress ASPxGridView. What I have is a xml file that … formatting devexpress aspxgridview
XtraGrid not refreshing after updates to its data source

I have an XtraGrid control on a windows form, bound to an object set as follows: clientListBindingSource.DataSource = ObjectContext.Clients; …

winforms data-binding devexpress xtragrid
How can I change font color in gridview DevExpress c#

How can I change the font color on gridview of DevExpress? All the solutions I have found are about changing …

c# devexpress xtragrid
how to pass parameter in devexpress report

I am using Devexpress XtraReport in Windows application for reporting purpose. I have set a parameter param1 having string as …

devexpress parameter-passing xtrareport
Great WinForms UI examples needed for inspiration

I am a systems analyst focusing on interaction design and usability, normally working on web applications (using my Mac). However, …

winforms user-interface devexpress
Response Redirect cannot be called in Page callback?

I am getting the following error when I leave my web inactive for a while "Response.Redirect.cannot be called … ajax devexpress
ASPxGridView - How to get the Selected Row in a Detail Grid of a Master-Detail GridView?

Can anyone explan how I can access the selected row of a detail grid in a DevExpress master-detail ASPxGridView? I've … devexpress aspxgridview master-detail
Are there any good and free devexpress data grid alternatives for winforms?

Are there any good free alternatives to DevExpress data grids (WinForms)? I am looking for WinForms Data Grid and Data …

.net winforms datagrid devexpress