Top "Aspxgridview" questions

ASPxGridView is usually in reference to the ASPxGridView provided by DevExpress.

set column width of a gridview in

I dragged and dropped a GridView from toolbox to Aspx page.the design code looks like this <asp:GridView … aspxgridview
ASPXGridView ClientSideEvents How to Get Selected Row's KeyField Value

I'm trying to get selected grid rows KeyField value on client side; I used to try followings and get various … devexpress client-side aspxgridview
How to get field value of selected Row Devexpress GridView?

I use a DevexpressGridView to display all TOPIC (id,title,content) <dx:ASPxGridView ID="gv" runat="server" OnSelectionChanged="gv_…

c# devexpress aspxgridview
How to Get row by key value or visible index in ASPxGridView then change column value?

Hi In ASPxGridView, is there a way to get a row by its VisibleIndex or KeyValue so that I can …

devexpress aspxgridview
Formatting columns in the DevExpress ASPxGridView?

Does anyone know how I could format columns in the DevExpress ASPxGridView. What I have is a xml file that … formatting devexpress aspxgridview
How to find control on GridView RowCommand Event?

i tried something like this but did not work: GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)(((Repeater)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer); Repeater _rpt1 = row.Cells[8].… gridview aspxgridview
How to programmatically select value in ASPxComboBox in ASpxGridView

I am required to use the DevExpress ASPxGridView. I have a datasource Object which returns two columns of importance, ObjectType … aspxgridview
ASPxGridView - How to get the Selected Row in a Detail Grid of a Master-Detail GridView?

Can anyone explan how I can access the selected row of a detail grid in a DevExpress master-detail ASPxGridView? I've … devexpress aspxgridview master-detail
Set value for 'visible' property in ASPX page programatically

I am trying to set the visible property for a label to either true or false depending on a condition. … visible aspxgridview
How to get selected row of detail grid in Master-Detail GridView?

I'm having a problem on getting the selected rows values of a detail grid. I have master-detail grid in a …

devexpress master-detail aspxgridview selectedvalue