Top "Aspxgridview" questions

ASPxGridView is usually in reference to the ASPxGridView provided by DevExpress.

Selecting a row in gridview then passing the selected row to another page

I am writing a web application in ASP.NET using C# with SQL Server. Basically I want to be able …

c# sql-server row aspxgridview
How to add a hyperlink column in the devexpress ASPxGridView control?

I want to add to my GridView from Devexpress ( c# ) a hyperlink column where i want to set …

c# devexpress aspxgridview
ASP.NET GridView: How to edit and delete data records

Hi I have used gridview to create a table. Is there a way to implement edit and delete. I have …

c# webforms aspxgridview
ASPXGridView Custom CallBack

We have the DevExpress grid and in the OnCustomCallback event we need to assign a hidden field value=true. After … javascript aspxgridview
Insert hidden column in asp:GridView but still available client side

This is simple. All I want to do is insert a hidden column into an asp:Griview that I'll be … gridview aspxgridview
How to get visible rowindex of aspxgridview on row deleting event

Can anybody help me to get the visible RowIndex of the row on RowDeleting event of ASPxGridView control? devexpress aspxgridview
Binding GridViewComboBoxColumn to a datasource

I already know how to specify the datasource but afther doing that it is not populated yet so i was …

c# devexpress aspxgridview
How to get row values of a certain column on ASPXGridView

I have a ASPXGridView and I want to know how to get values from the grid, I want to get …

c# grid devexpress aspxgridview
How to populate ASPxComboBox?

I have Editable ASPxGridView and confused how to populate the ASPxComboBox init. Consider The following scenario in which we have …

c# devexpress aspxgridview aspxcombobox
How to programmatically reach any AspxControl inside an AspXGridView's EditItemTemplate

Its very simple and i feel myself as an idiot :( I newly started to using DevX Controls. Its documentation and … devexpress aspxgridview edititemtemplate