I want to add to my GridView from Devexpress ( c# asp.net ) a hyperlink column where i want to set the name of each row to the value of the data.
Is this possible? How?
From the ASPxGridView documentation regarding How to create and configure a HyperLink column at runtime:
public void PopulateColumns() {
GridViewDataTextColumn colID = new GridViewDataTextColumn();
colID.FieldName = "ID";
GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn colItemName = new GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn();
colItemName.FieldName = "ItemName";
colItemName.PropertiesHyperLinkEdit.NavigateUrlFormatString ="~/details.aspx?Device={0}";
colItemName.PropertiesHyperLinkEdit.TextFormatString = "Device {0}";
colItemName.PropertiesHyperLinkEdit.TextField = "ItemName";