Top "Xtrareport" questions

XtraReports is a Reporting Tool made by DevExpress for WinForms, ASP.

How to set datasource for fields in XtraReports without having a dataset at design time?

I'm taking a look now to XtraReports reporting tool and there's something that I don't get it yet. How do …

c# devexpress xtrareport
how to pass parameter in devexpress report

I am using Devexpress XtraReport in Windows application for reporting purpose. I have set a parameter param1 having string as …

devexpress parameter-passing xtrareport
DEVEXPRESS - xtrareport - page break

I have a datatable with more than 300 rows. I want each page to present only 10 rows in it. I want …

c# devexpress xtrareport
how to calculate conditional sum in devexpress xtrareport

Consider my following XtraReport It generates following output when previewed. Notice the sum of Total marks in the report footer …

c# xtrareport
How can I serialize a DevExpress XtraReport report design

I need to serialize a report design. This is the scenario: The app has base reports, let's say "Sales Report" …

c# .net devexpress reporting xtrareport
Set programatically the title to the viewer form in XtraReport

Does anybody know how to set the title to the form viewer when showing an XtraReport document? The scenario is …

c# devexpress xtrareport
How to use SubReport in XtraReport?

I have a main Report which consist of (Detail Report) Transaction # Amount Due PaymentType Money Tendered and I have another … devexpress reporting report xtrareport
How to Create Custom Function for DevExpress XtraReports Calculated Field

I know how to create Custom Fields in a DataSet for a Report in DecExpress XtraReports. But I need to … devexpress xtrareport calculated-field custom-formatting
How to create an unbound subreport in another unbound report

I have an unbound XtraReport that has a subreport control which contains another report. I call "unbound" to a report …

c# devexpress subreport xtrareport
How to use XtraReport formatting rule to change a property conditionally?

I need to change the back color of a xrTableCell based on the value inside. Say, if the value is "…

devexpress reporting xtrareport