"Hello, world!" example for DevExpress QuantumGrid?

Gulbahar picture Gulbahar · Sep 5, 2009 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I successfully installed the latest QuantumGrid from DevExpress, but I've never worked with this grid before, and I don't know how to get started. I find that the HLP file isn't really a tutorial, and the demos are so rich to the point where I can't get started quickly and see if QuantumGrid fits my needs.

Would someone happen to have a really basic example on how to create a small, non-DB-bound, non-hierarchized, but user-editable grid to host a couple of columns and fill the grid with a few rows?

Thank you.


idursun picture idursun · Sep 6, 2009

Place a grid on a form, then delete its default GridView and add a TableView. Add a few columns to TableView and then associate your GridLevel with this new view. Place a button on form and add this code to its click handler.

  cxGrid1TableView1.DataController.RecordCount := 3;

RecordIndex corresponds to the row index and ItemIndex corresponds to the column index. I hope this helps you to get started.