Top "Devexpress" questions

DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.

Can I make row cell value readOnly on XtraGrid just for one row?

How can I make a specific row cell readonly(not editable) on XtraGrid? For example just for row[0] but not …

c# winforms devexpress xtragrid
DevExpress ASPxComboBox SelectItem is null

I have an ASPxComboBox which I was able to get filtering correctly on user input. Now I want to save …

combobox devexpress selecteditem aspxcombobox
Binding GridViewComboBoxColumn to a datasource

I already know how to specify the datasource but afther doing that it is not populated yet so i was …

c# devexpress aspxgridview
How to get row values of a certain column on ASPXGridView

I have a ASPXGridView and I want to know how to get values from the grid, I want to get …

c# grid devexpress aspxgridview
hide headers in Devexpress gridcontrol

Can anyone tell me how to hide the header in DevExpress gridcontrol..?? I'm using C#.. All I want is a …

c# devexpress gridcontrol
XtraGrid Suite - is there a way to add a button or hyperlink to a cell?

I'm working with the XtraGrid Suite made by DevExpress. I can't find any sort of functionality to do this, but …

.net winforms devexpress xtragrid
The type X in Y conflicts with the imported type X in Z

I have the following warning on a interface : The type 'DevExpress.Data.Browsing.Design.IColumnImageProvider' in c:\Users[MyUser]\Documents\…

c# .net devexpress .net-assembly
How to change the way data is shown in WPF GridControl?

I'm trying to use GridControl from DevExpress but I can't do the same thing I usually do in ListView with …

wpf data-binding mvvm devexpress gridcontrol
How to populate ASPxComboBox?

I have Editable ASPxGridView and confused how to populate the ASPxComboBox init. Consider The following scenario in which we have …

c# devexpress aspxgridview aspxcombobox
GridView with ObjectDatasource UpdateMethod

I have an ASP.NET WebForms page containing an ASPxGridView and an ObjectDataSource: <dx:ASPxGridView ID="gvEmployees" runat="server" …

c# entity-framework devexpress objectdatasource