Top "Textedit" questions

This tag is AMBIGUOUS, use with caution, since some questions use it for the built-in *text editor* of Max OS X, while others use it for a textedit field in *web development*, like Android for example.

How do I use savefiledialog in

I have a program called TextEditPro and I just started it, I'm running into a problem. When I had the … savefiledialog textedit
How do I save a TextEdit (mac) file with a custom extension (.sas)?

So, I'm in the process of writing some code for SAS and I realized I have to save the file …

sas textedit
Autocompletion in c# DevExpress TextEdit

I am using devexpress TextEdit in application and i want to implement auto completion for TextEdit.My doubt …

c# autocomplete devexpress textedit
How do I create a .conf file in Mac osx Lion?

I'm using plain text format on text edit and I'm also storing the file as filename.conf but it always …

macos configuration textedit
Paste as plain text Contenteditable div & textarea (word/excel...)

I would like the to paste text in a contenteditable div, but reacting as a textarea. Note that I want …

excel ms-word textarea contenteditable textedit
pyqt - How to change the color of a word from my textedit

This is a method to copy a word from my textedit, and set it to a new line into my …

python pyqt textedit
How do I set a max numeric value in a Devexpress TextEdit box?

I've got a numbers-only TextEdit box with MaxLength set to 2, allowing the user to enter 0-99. Can I restrict this …

c# winforms devexpress textedit
Can't get python to read my .txt file on OS X

I'm trying to get IDLE to read my .txt file but for some reason it won't. I tried this same …

osx-snow-leopard python textedit
I need to delete string from position X to position Y on each line in a text file

I have a huge flat file 100K records each spanning 3000 columns. I need to removed a segment of the data …

unix awk sed textedit
Trying to clear a textEdit box in QT C++ (using QT Creator)

I'm new to QT, young at programming, and not understanding all the help materials for the classes in QT. I …

c++ qt textedit