DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.
I have a Devexpress.XtraTreeList component. I want to catch in click event where the user is clicked on expand …
c# click devexpress xtratreelistThe DevExpress Grid (XtraGrid) allows grids and their groups to have summary calculations. The available options are Count, Max, Min, …
.net devexpress xtragrid weighted-average group-summariesI'm working on a WPF application ( MVVM) and using the DevExpress GridCOntrol. I need to create a generic screen to …
wpf devexpress dynamic-data gridcontrolI have created an XtraTreeList control that is bound to my bindingSource and it uses a list of custom objects. …
c# winforms data-binding devexpress xtratreelistI have a DevExpress GridControl in my current WinForms application. I need to display a hyperlink control (RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit) in a …
c# winforms devexpress xtragridI have an ASPxGridView with SettingsPager set as Mode = ShowAllRecords, PageSize = 100000, CurrentPageNumberFormat = '', Visible = False What I want is to …
c# devexpress aspxgridviewI have an unbound XtraReport that has a subreport control which contains another report. I call "unbound" to a report …
c# devexpress subreport xtrareportI am binding the Grid with a business object which contains a field Country (which is another business object containing …
c# winforms devexpress xtragrid repositorylookupeditI have an ASPxGridview like this: Is there any way calculate Total of GroupSummary to TotalSummary without Grouping. GroupSummary's SummeryType="…
c# .net devexpress aspxgridviewI have a table with 3 tds, 1st td with 1% width and a image button control(Pin image) in it. 2nd …
html-table devexpress imagebutton aspxgridview