Top "Devexpress" questions

DevExpress is a component vendor for a variety of controls across different technologies.

How to set focused node Devexpress TreeListControl

I'd like to change the focused node in my TreeListControl via code. For the sake of simplicity, I have this …

c# wpf devexpress treelist
DevExpress XtraGrid custom RowCellStyle eventhandler and column sorting problem

My xtraGrid has a custom style eventlistener: FooGridView.RowCellStyle += new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventHandler(FooGridView_RowCellStyle); private void FooGridView_…

devexpress xtragrid
How to use XtraReport formatting rule to change a property conditionally?

I need to change the back color of a xrTableCell based on the value inside. Say, if the value is "…

devexpress reporting xtrareport
How to create a message dialog or popup using devexpress xaf

How would I create or is there built in functionality in XAF to display a message box in a XAF … web-applications devexpress messagebox xaf
How to make DataSourceCriteria dependent to a property in XAF?

I use the eXpressApp Framework to develop a windows application. I want to filter a lookup view property editor depending …

devexpress xaf
"Not Responding" in window title when running in new process

I have a long running method that must run on UI thread. (Devex - gridView.CopyToClipboard()) I do not need …

c# multithreading winforms process devexpress
Devexpress grid - PerformCallback generates Invalid viewstate

I have a DevExpress grid that needs to be refreshed every time the value in a combobox is changed. For … viewstate devexpress aspxgridview
DevExpress XPO XPCollection Refreshing Changes

I'm experiencing an issue refreshing data in XPCollection after commiting some database changes using UnitOfWork. I have a WinForm with …

session devexpress xtragrid xpo
How to Set DevExpress WPF GridControl Look And Feel?

Can anybody help me with changing the look and feels for the DevExpress Grid Control.Right now I am getting …

wpf themes devexpress gridcontrol
How to traverse the nodes for a DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList

I am trying to traverse the nodes of the DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList and it isn't working. Basically all I have …

visual-studio-2008 devexpress xtratreelist