Top "Avplayer" questions

An AVPlayer object is used to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback.

Detecting AVPlayer video start stop events

Here is nice simple avplayer piece of code playing a small collection of videos in a queue. My question. I …

swift avfoundation avplayer avqueueplayer avkit
How to change AVPlayer Live Streaming URL?

Hi developers and experts, I need your good suggestions and help. I am working an application which has four different …

ios objective-c avplayer audio-streaming live-streaming
How to check status of AVPlayer?

I thought that I could check the status of an AVPlayer simply by the property "rate". This is how I …

ios stream avplayer status rate
AVPlayer force landscape mode for fullscreen

I am playing a video using an AVPlayer which is about 320x200 frame in my app. The avplayer also has …

ios iphone video avplayer avplayerlayer
How to get video size for HLS stream inside AVPlayer?

I am trying to get video resolution when playing hls stream. I have typical player init: let urlAsset = AVURLAsset(URL: …

ios swift avplayer http-live-streaming
Handling AVPlayer stalls

I'm trying to catch a moment when AVPlayer is unable to continue playback in case no more media available (too …

ios objective-c avplayer key-value-observing
AVPlayerItem replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem Blocking

First a little context about the application... - There's a lot of heavy UI operation's involving video players (mostly scrolling) …

iphone ios ipad mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer
iOS: AVPlayer video preloading

I am using AVPlayer to play videos. The lenght of them is short, 2-5 second. They are played in a …

ios video avplayer preload
How to get thumbnail image of video from ALAsset in iOS?

I want to get thumbnail images of every frame from video and then save this images in Mutable Array of …

ios objective-c avplayer alassetslibrary cmtime
Workaround playing a video .mov file in iOS app? Also related to Adobe Flash Animations

After researching lots on StackOverflow and Class References, iOS MPMoviePlayerController cannot play .mov video files. AVPlayer can play .mov files …

ios flash video avplayer .mov