Top "Avplayer" questions

An AVPlayer object is used to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback.

How to play movie files with no file extension on iOS with MPMoviePlayerController or AVPlayer?

I want to play a movie in iOS 4.3 on the iPad. I've successfully used MPMoviePlayerController and AVPlayer to load files …

iphone ios mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer
Swift iOS -AVPlayer Video Freezes / Pauses When App Comes Back from Background

I have a video playing in a loop on the login page of my app. I followed this Youtube tutorial …

ios swift avfoundation avplayer nsnotificationcenter
How can I play an mp4 resource with AVPlayer?

I have included an mp4 resource in my project navigator. I want to play it in an AVPlayer. I know …

objective-c ios video avplayer avasset
When Video plays using AVPLayer, it stops background music ios

I am playing video using AVPlayer, it stops iPhone's music which is on going in background. Please help me to …

ios swift avplayer
AVPlayer - Fast Backward / Forward Stream

This is my code in the viewDidLoad : AVPlayerItem* playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; […

iphone ios xcode avplayer forward
AVPlayer fails with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed (OSStatus error -12983)

Sometimes AVPlayer fails with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed and after that failure occurred, AVPlayer continues to failed with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed. I tried to clear …

ios avfoundation avplayer avplayerlayer avplayeritem
Airplay with AVPlayer?

Is there any way to support AirPlay with AVPlayer? I know it can be done with MPMoviePlayerController, but I see …

iphone avplayer airplay
MPMoviePlayerController deprecated, what now?

So I have been searching for a solution now when MPMoviePlayerController is getting deprecated. my current code works fine: moviePlayer = …

ios swift mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer
Playing Streaming Video With AVPlayer

How do you play a streaming video with AVPlayer? import Cocoa import AVKit class StreamViewController: NSViewController { var videoPlayer: AVPlayer! @IBOutlet …

ios swift macos avplayer avkit
Convert from NStimeInterval to CMTime accurately

I am using two players one is MPMoviePlayerController and the other is AVPlayer. henever MPMoviePlayerController is seeked, it sets the …

objective-c mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer nstimeinterval cmtime