Top "Avplayer" questions

An AVPlayer object is used to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback.

AVPlayer currentTime update for a UISlider when ViewController load

I'm playing songs in AVPlayer. I have created a separate view controller for my media player and initialization, and all …

ios avfoundation avplayer uislider
iOS 7 SDK not abiding background audio

I have done a lot of research, both on Google and StackOverflow. All the answers I found do not work …

objective-c ios7 core-audio avaudioplayer avplayer
How to close previous AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem

I'm making an iOS app in Swift that plays a video in a loop in a small layer in the …

ios swift avplayer avplayeritem
how to use AVQueuePlayer in AVPlayer

currently i am using following codes to play song playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:[song valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL]]; [_avPlayer replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:playerItem]; here i …

ios avplayer avqueueplayer
Stop AVPlayer and restart MP3 file again

I want to start, pause and stop (same as restart) my mp3 File and I'm using AVPlayer. I get the …

ios objective-c avplayer avplayeritem
Set UISlider.value to AVPlayer.currentTime

I am trying to set a UISlider's Value to a AVPlayer's Current Time. I am trying to use this code …

iphone sdk uislider avplayer
Display playback controls in AVPlayer

I am able to run the video, but I am not able to see the control buttons like pause and …

ios objective-c avfoundation avplayer avplayerviewcontroller
Done button click event in AVPlayerViewController

I want to play local video in AVPlayerViewController but did not find click event of Done button. My video is …

ios objective-c avplayer avplayerviewcontroller
Pre-load an AVPlayer streaming video

I'm trying to play a streaming video with a AVPlayer without any network delay. Fortunately, our app has a progress …

ios avplayer avqueueplayer
Playing HLS m3u8 on iOS 9

I have a problem with playing video streams HLS m3u8. I created a new project with target iOS9 and …

ios avplayer http-live-streaming m3u8