An AVPlayer object is used to implement controllers and user interfaces for single- or multiple-item playback.
I have a test application that uses AVPlayer to play video specified by an m3u8 HLS playlist. The playlist …
ios avfoundation avplayer http-live-streamingI my UIViewController I have an outlet to UIView, where I would like to display video using external links. In …
ios swift uiview avplayer avplayerlayerI would like to play full-screen videos as a background in one of my apps. The problem is that videos …
ios avplayer avplayerviewcontrollerI play a video with AVPlayer. It works ok. Now I want to get a UIImage from the video playing (…
uiimage calayer avplayerI tried to buffer and immediately play remote url audio with swift language. but problem is with long time to …
ios swift avplayer avplayeritemI'm having difficulty stopping an AVPlayers time observer. I have an AVPlayer player running like this: player = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithURL:[…
ios avfoundation avplayer observersSo I'm trying to play a sound file at a different rate in iOS 5.1.1, and am having absolutely no luck. …
ios avfoundation avaudioplayer avplayer audio-processingI have an app that streams video from the net and plays it using an MPMoviePlayerController object for playback on …
iphone ios mpmovieplayercontroller multitasking avplayerI'm switching from MPMoviePlayerController to AVPlayer as I need finer grained control over video swapping. The .mov file I was …
iphone ios objective-c avplayer avplayerlayer