Top "Avplayerlayer" questions

AVPlayerLayer is a subclass of CALayer to which an AVPlayer object can direct its visual output.

Xcode - Objective C - AVPlayer programmatically - play local video, with standard/system skin

Can anyone help me with code for setting up and playing local videofile, using AVPlayer in Xcode? (using AVPlayerLayer, and …

ios objective-c avplayer avplayerlayer
How to get video frame of the AVPlayer?

I have PlayerView class for displaying AVPlayer's playback. Code from documentation. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <AVFoundation/…

objective-c avfoundation avplayer avplayerlayer
Multiple videos with AVPlayer

I am developing an iOS app for iPad that needs to play videos in some part of the screen. I …

ios objective-c avplayer avcomposition avplayerlayer
Swift: Resize an AVPlayerLayer to match the bounds of its parent container

I have a local video playing using AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer (Swift, iOS 8.2), and i need to resize the AVPlayerLayer (introPlayerLayer) …

ios iphone swift avplayer avplayerlayer
AVplayer resuming after incoming call

I am using AVPlayer for music playback. My problem is that after an incoming call, the player won't resume. How …

ios ios7 avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayer Full Screen

i'm using AVPlayer in my apps instead MPMoviePlayerController since i want to put the player as sublayer. However i need …

ios objective-c avplayer avplayerlayer
Resume AVPlayer video playback after app become active

I write custom player from AVPlayer for video playback. According to Apple docs set the video layer: self.player = [IPLPlayer …

iphone ios avplayer avplayerlayer
Using Swift with AVPlayer, how do you add and remove a video via code?

I'm new to Swift and am trying to add a video to the view and then remove it when my "…

ios swift avfoundation avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayer doesn't show anything

I try to embed different videos from youtube vimeo, dailymotion. Sadly at the Moment nothing is shown except the backgroundcolor …

ios objective-c youtube avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayerLayer isn't showing AVPlayer video?

What's the trick to getting AVPlayer video content to show up in one's view? We are using the following AVPlayer …

ios video avplayer avplayerlayer