Top "Avplayerlayer" questions

AVPlayerLayer is a subclass of CALayer to which an AVPlayer object can direct its visual output.

AVPlayer fails with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed (OSStatus error -12983)

Sometimes AVPlayer fails with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed and after that failure occurred, AVPlayer continues to failed with AVPlayerItemStatusFailed. I tried to clear …

ios avfoundation avplayer avplayerlayer avplayeritem
how to add AVPlayer to UIView in ViewController

I my UIViewController I have an outlet to UIView, where I would like to display video using external links. In …

ios swift uiview avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayer Video Blank but Hear Sound

I'm switching from MPMoviePlayerController to AVPlayer as I need finer grained control over video swapping. The .mov file I was …

iphone ios objective-c avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayerLayer not bounds to UIView frame

I'm trying to add AVPlayerLayer to UIView self.player = AVPlayer(URL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path!)) self.playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player); self.…

iphone xcode swift avplayerlayer cglayer
AVPlayer force landscape mode for fullscreen

I am playing a video using an AVPlayer which is about 320x200 frame in my app. The avplayer also has …

ios iphone video avplayer avplayerlayer
AVPlayerLayer Position in UIView Layer

I am writing an application using Swift to view surveillance cameras via HLS. I have the basic device list working …

ios swift uiview http-live-streaming avplayerlayer