Top "Cglayer" questions

What's the difference and compatibility of CGLayer and CALayer?

I'm confusing CGLayer and CALayer. They look similar, so why are there separate implementations? What's the difference between, and compatibility …

cocoa core-graphics calayer cglayer
How should QuartzCore.framework imported in Swift?

I need QuartzCore.framework to add borderColor to a textfield, how?

ios swift quartz-core cglayer
clipsToBounds and masksToBounds in grouped UITableViewCell

I'm trying to get my UITextView's corners to be masked by the rounded corners of the grouped UITableViewCell that contains …

ios uikit quartz-core cglayer
AVPlayerLayer not bounds to UIView frame

I'm trying to add AVPlayerLayer to UIView self.player = AVPlayer(URL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path!)) self.playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player); self.…

iphone xcode swift avplayerlayer cglayer